the act of revealing or disclosing; disclosure.
something revealed or disclosed, especially a strikingdisclosure, as of something not before realized.
Theology .
an instance of such communication or disclosure.
something thus communicated or disclosed.
something that contains such disclosure, as the Bible.
Epiphany: noun, plural -nies.
( initial capital letter
) a Christian festival, observed onJanuary 6, commemorating the manifestation of Christ to thegentiles in the persons of the Magi; Twelfth-day.
an appearance or manifestation, especially of a deity.
a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality oressential meaning of something, usually initiated by somesimple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.
a literary work or section of a work presenting, usuallysymbolically, such a moment of revelation and insight.
This is the second week after Epiphany at church. I'm really enjoying learning about what everything means. I listen to my priest (Father Shawn) at church and have started taking notes. My sermon notes often blend into a blog.
What revelations have you had? My biggie is that it's important to be happy and grounded. Someone is always going to have something you don't have and you want. You can't have it due to money or because you just aren't meant to have it. Don't be jealous. Good will follow you when you're happy and grounded. Be happy with what you have.
It sounds cheesy, but it really isn't. Life is good. It's one of my favorite companies. I try to remind myself of that every day. Multiple times a day. I'm not going to go all holy-roller on you, but God knows what is going on. If you don't believe in God, someone or something knows what is going on. I'm not sure that there's a master plan for us but everything happens for a reason. That reason may not be known for a very long time, or ever, but I think it's true. I have cancer and am unemployed, but my life is good. I make sure to surround myself with good people. I mean this in terms of friends. I've learned my lesson on friends. It's very important that it's all about QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY of friends. I have a core group of 'real life' friends (I'll get into that in a minute) that mean the world to me. We may not hang out all of the time, but they're there for me and I'm there for them. Simple as that. When I need them for a laugh, a cry, for whatever, we're there for each other.
I have an amazing source of online friends, spread out all over the country. I don't think it's creepy or odd. We came together through similar interests or due to friends and our friendships have grown from there. We've shared gift exchanges, cards, cookie exchanges and random hellos. I've had a friend visit me in the hospital when 'real life' friends turned their backs on me. Guess what? Those 'real life' friends are no longer my friends!
Facebook connects us like never before. Sometimes for the good, sometimes for the bad. We all know that I share a lot on Facebook. That's how I am. It makes communication so much easier. I still use written communication, though. Who doesn't love receiving mail? I love making cards and I get great joy from it.
Another revelation I've had is to not judge others. We all have our own priorities. Don't judge someone based on their priorities. The only time I would support that is if their priorities are hindering or hurting you.
Life is indeed good. At church, we here every Sunday that "God is good. God is good, all the time." I think God is good. We may not always think so (why do I have cancer?) but life is precious. Don't let it pass you by.
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