Friday, November 11, 2011

Moral Obligation vs a college athletic program

This has been laying heavy on my mind and heart. I don't know how to express myself so I will just start writing.

The Penn State sex scandal is an unfathomable incident. It's more of an incident. What's the better word for it?  You have a man accused of molesting many many boys over a long period of time. You have a person who witnessed one of the incidents, went to his boss and then dropped it. Like it was going to go away. Why did people not go to the police?  Even if it's not required by law, isn't there such as thing as "moral obligation"????  How can you live with yourself by allowing this monster to continue to live among us?

Was this done to protect your holier-than-thou football program?  If so, it disgusts me even more.  Most people know that I attended college in Central Pennsylvania. I was never a Penn State fan. I never got sucked up in the hoopla. Those people treat Penn State like a church- Joe Paterno was Godlike. Didn't you know God made the sky blue and white in honor Penn State?!  I always thought JoePa was way beyond his prime and needed to retire a long time ago. Don't get me wrong- I LOVE college football. I DO NOT love people covering things up. I HATE when college programs, generally athletic programs and participants, are held at a different standard than the rest of the school.

So, you witness a man molesting a boy in a shower (in a college building, no less). You tell your boss and he tells his boss. You know they don't go to the police. Why don't YOU go to the police?!  Are you too bothered by it? Are you afraid it will tarnish Penn State's image? Are you afraid you will lose your job?  Are you afraid the molester will retaliate against you?  How can you live with this information?  What about the victim(s)?  Are they less important than your athletic program???

Sure, JoePa announced his retirement (for the end of this season) before he was fired. I give mad props to the Board of Trustees (BOT) for firing JoePa and the University President. They had to. Seriously, how could they not?! JoePa resigned because he knew he HAD TO. He feels guilty- now. I suppose now is better than never, but it's still too little too late.

I'm glad the Department of Education is investigating these allegations. The way I read it, they are investigating because some of the alleged misconduct occurred on college property and someone did not report it to the Dept of Education, which is required by law. Again, why hide it?  No one wants their image tarnished. BUT, this situation would be MUCH BETTER had it come out way back then. Instead, people are questioning the entire college.

I also find it very interesting that none of this really came to head until AFTER JoePa won his record breaking game. Also, just after Election Day. Coincidences?  I think not.

I could go on and on about this topic. Many of my friends are diehard Penn State fans. Many share my opinions and a few don't. A few a still supporting Paterno.  How? Why?  I know he didn't personally sexually assault the victims but they did not help the situation.

The whole situation makes me sick.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is bullshit. As an out sider and as a grad of a scooll with an honor code. Where is the honor? To protect the school? The Heros? They may have been at one time. But if they knew. They are just as just as much to blame. Call the cops. Call cps.
