missionary zeal, purpose, or activity.
a Protestant minister or layperson who serves as an itinerantor special preacher, especially a revivalist.
a preacher of the gospel.
( initial capital letter
) any of the writers (Matthew, Mark,Luke, and John) of the four Gospels.
(in the primitive church) a person who first brought thegospel to a city or region.
( initial capital letter
) Mormon Church . a patriarch.
Is your faith private or public? How does evangelism play a part in your life and faith? Our Sunday sermon spoke on this and it really got me thinking. Father Shawn said that Christian faith MUST be public for Biblical Christians. I never thought of myself as a Biblical Christian, so I glossed over it.
Are people in your lives surprised you attend church? In my case, the answer is "yes." Here's a brief history of myself and the church. I was baptized Episcopalian at my mom's church (Church of the Advent) in Baltimore City. Around kindergarten, we switched to a big Lutheran church in Linthicum (St John Lutheran Church). I was very active in that church- Sunday school, first communion, Vacation Bible School, Confirmation, serving on the altar, youth group (Kids for Christ) and helping teach Sunday School. I stopped going my senior year of high school. I went to church every Sunday but I never learned the Bible. I know a few stories but I don't know verses. I don't want to. When it came time for college, I was kind of turned off by organized religion due to some (in my opinion) greediness of my church. I went to Juniata College which as loosely affiliated with the Church of the Brethren. I attended a service once or twice but that's it. Good friends of mine were Catholic but I knew that wasn't for me. I stopped going to church and "did my own thing." Fast forward many years and I started dating my partner, Karen. I started attending her church (St Andrews Episcopal Church) and have been there for 2 1/2 years. It's a small church, completely different than St Johns. Small is good a lot of the times. It's a good church. Very accepting of us as a couple. I struggle with my faith A LOT. I believe in God and I know I'm going to Heaven, but after that, things get fuzzy. I mentioned to my neighbor (she's like my second mom) that I did something with church and she was surprised. My dad and brother are both surprised that I attend. They aren't upset or anything like that, just surprised. They know the issues I've had with the church.
At first, I went to church for Karen and to support her. Honestly, I did that until just recently. See, when I first started attending, I tried to "get into it" but it just didn't work. I felt guilty, like I was going through the motions and not getting anything out of it. I never really "felt God" or anything like that. I think I'm much more spiritual than I give myself credit for. Father Shawn jokes A LOT that an Episcopal service isn't easy to get used to. You don't really jump right in. See, we use our Book of Common Prayer, Bible, hymnal and two books of music (we call them the purple book and the green book) You flip back and forth between the books all service. It's not hard, just not comfortable at first. A few weeks ago, I started "getting it" a bit more. I've mentioned with a dear friend how I wanted to start reading the Bible. Not to memorize it, but to read it as sort of a historical document. I have a daily devotional that Karen and I will start using together but I wanted something more. My good friend sent me a copy of her favorite version of the Bible. I've read a little from it and I think if I allow myself, I will "get into it." See, I have horrible ADD.
"To know Christ and make him known." That's the slogan of St Andrews- it's on the top of our bulletin. What does this mean? I don't hide my faith. In fact, I ask questions of friends (mostly on facebook) a lot. But, I don't "spread the word" by preaching. I have nothing against you if you do. In fact, I have a lot of friends who share Bible verses daily and that's fine. I respect you for being comfortable in your faith. IF you are comfortable in your faith. I feel that my friends are truly involved. They don't spout off verses to "look good in God's eyes." This is one of my biggest complaints with some organized religion. People do it because they think that's what they are supposed to do. Do it because that's what you feel.
How do you spread the word? I think it starts by inviting people to events at your church and going from there. Father Shawn is sincere when he says he will help you share your faith. Everything from praying with you about it to developing a plan and going from there. My mom comes to church occasionally, as her work schedule allows it. She will come to events, as her work schedule allows it. I'm more about fellowship, but I think that's another blog. (But, as I mentioned, that is changing.)
Father Shawn ended his sermon with this: "How can you believe in God, if you've never heard Him."
Is faith private? Public? In between? Depends on the situation? How do you share your faith?